전체 5 / 1 페이지


  • How do I use this site?

    * This is a place to organize magic-related technique.

    * Private videos will be made public at the YouTube public time.

    * Lectures are not included.

    * Please refrain from commenting on direct solutions. (Profanity and slander are prohibited.)

    * Please let me know in the comments if there is any incorrect information or video.

    * There are no restrictions even if you do not log in. (Thank you for subscription.)

    * I'm not good at all techniques. You can upload your video.

      If you leave an {video:Youtube Link} in the comment, the video will come out immediately.

      I'll put the best video on 'Good Perfom'.

      Check out the FAQ for more details.

    * This is the most important search method.

      This site supports multiple tags.

      ** For example, the technique I'm looking for is 'the technique of lowering several sheets to the floor'.

    First, check 'Sleights - Controls' among tags.

    Next, check 'Card - Multiple' among tags.

    Next, check 'Card/Jog Position - Bottom' among tags.

    Finally, replace the 'OR' at the bottom with 'AND' and click 'List View'.

    If you need an additional optical illusion,

    Just check 'Effect - Optical' and search. **

      Check out the FAQ for more details.

  • How are card tags classified?

    'Sleights' - This is the basic classification of technique.

    'Grip' - It turns into a specific grip or is added when a grip is important.

    'Card' - The number of cards or the number of times they have been changed.

    'Hand' - Added when one hand or a finger is important.

    'with What' - In addition to the card, they are added if necessary.

    'Card/Jog Position' - Add the card position or the direction of the jog.

    'Palm Position' - Add the type of palm.

    'Cuts/Shuffle' - Add settings for cut and shuffle tricks.

    'Flourish' - Add a flourish effect.

    'Move/Pass' - Add pass types and actions. 

                     'Dribble' is in 'Flourishes'.

    'Effect' - Add magic effect.

    'Miscellaneous' - Other additional settings.

  • How do I upload a video?

    reference video : https://youtu.be/tgnou2nQ3y8

    (Use subtitles)

    1. Find a video to upload.

    2. Click Share to copy the address. ( For example : https://youtu.be/****** )

    3. Find the post you want to post on the 'EOCS' site and click it.

    4. Write {Video:https://youtu.be/******} in the comments and write.

    5. Your video will appear in the comments.


  • How do I search for tags?

    reference video : https://youtu.be/p7dLv6-FN04

    (Use subtitles)

    1. Let's say you are looking for 'Top Control' using 'Palm'.

    2. First, turn on 'Palm' and 'Control' in the 'Sleights' category.

    3. Then, turn on the 'Top' of the 'Card/Jog Position' category.

    4. Change the 'List View' button below from 'OR' to 'AND' and click.

    5. If you want to use 'Tenkai' in 'Palm'

       Turn on 'Tenkai' in the 'Palm Position' category,

       Just click 'List View'.

    6. Since it is made up of multiple tags, it is recommended to search while narrowing the scope.


  • How do I add a banner?

    You can send the logo file and address of the site you want to add to ffish99@hanmail.net.

    After checking, I will add it to the banner.